Our Proud History
The Kappa Delta Rho Foundation’s mission is “to financially support the educational, leadership, and character development programs undertaken by the National Fraternity of Kappa Delta Rho.” To fulfill its mission, the Foundation enlists the support of our more than 29,000 alumni Brothers, as well as family and friends, to provide the resources to support programs that impact our undergraduate Brothers. The programs help them maximize their college experience to be better men and better leaders as they graduate and move on with their careers. And, at times, there can emerge needs that seem to dwarf the ability to respond. We face one of those moments today, and rather than bury our heads, the collective leadership of the National Fraternity and Foundation have agreed, KDR will respond. KDR will lead.
Our Response
The Brothers’ Keeper Program is a multi-faceted program intended to develop positive health and mental health behaviors and habits, and also to educate and encourage brothers to reach out for professional help for themselves or a friend when in distress. There is ample evidence that supporting life skills (life positive health behaviors) and building positive social connections promotes mental health and helps to limit substance misuse and suicide.
As our Brothers’ keeper, we should be aware of possible warning signs and subtle calls for help. We do not have to be mental health professionals to recognize someone else’s difficulties or our own and seek assistance. We cannot stand idly by and expect that brothers struggling with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse will ask for help or resolve these issues on their own. A Brotherhood means that we support each other, and we put a hand out to those Brothers who need it; we do not wait to be asked or invited. Sometimes, the request for help doesn’t come and the impact of the death of a Brother on everyone whose life he touched is profound, and forever.

KDR ULifeline Stats:
4,218 total visits
133 get help now
56 help a friend
326 Donors
Brothers’ Keeper Donor Wall
The Program is Intended to Provide:
- Lifeline: KDR, in collaboration with the JED Foundation, developed online resources on mental health concerns through a KDR-branded website, kappadeltarho.ulifeline.org.
- Legion member education Program: An award winning total member education that utilizes blended learning and is self-directed after the initial period of membership.
- TiPs Training: Training for Intervention ProcedureS is educational programming and training for the responsible service, sale and consumption of alcohol.
- Educational programming at the Consuls Academy and Elmon M. Williams Leadership Academy: These programs are to educate the undergraduates on the current issues and on how to be a supportive leader, as well as the resources available to support them.
- Mental Health First Aid (https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.com/): Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in your community.
- Director of Health & Wellness position. An endowed position of Director of Health & Wellness, whose responsibility it is to oversee the implementation of the Brothers’ Keeper program and risk management education.
* Please see our informational packet for more detail on highlighted programs and FAQs.