Recap of the 2019 Consuls Academy
The 2019 Consuls Academy took place at the National Office in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, January 11th through 13th. All of the Kappa Delta Rho newly elected Chapter Consuls participated in the three-day academy.
The purpose of Consuls Academy is to educate and train the newly elected Chapter Consuls on everything they need to know to to run their chapter effectively. In addition to learning the nuts and bolts of the position, Consuls took part in a hands-on activity where they created a strategic plan on how to effectively lead their chapter and their executive boards utilizing the Birkman Method. *
Programs like Consuls Academy would not be possible without the support of our alumni, parents, and friends who donate to the Annual Fund. You can help ensure that programs like this continue to be available to our undergraduate Brothers by giving today.