Alumni Services
Want to Volunteer?
Undergraduates list leadership opportunities and networking as two of the top benefits to joining a fraternity. Alumni volunteers are the backbone to providing those opportunities for leadership growth and networking. No matter the time you have, we believe that there are opportunities for all alumni who wish to participate. We currently have 35+ chapters in 13 states. There are growing numbers of alumni chapters across the country located in strategic geographic locations. Volunteer now!
Want to start a Regional Alumni Association?
The current Alumni Associations (this links to the list of Alumni Associations) are sponsoring brotherhood events, family days, and regional networking opportunities for business and pleasure. There are opportunities for regional alumni development in any area. Please contact the Executive Director if you would like to start one yourself!
Please submit your local chapter alumni events as well as regional events and activities here.
Kappa Delta Rho sponsors a broad range of alumni events across the country. Recent alumni events include KDR Days at the Ballpark (Pittsburgh, DC, and Atlanta), KDR Cruise to Alaska, and KDR Day with the Toledo Mudhens.
Alumni Assistance
Update your personal information
Being able to promote alumni opportunities to all alumni is most important to the National Fraternity. We need to know the best way to contact alumni and inform them of the wonderful programs and activities going on in their area.
Alumni Corporations & Presidents
- Alpha, Benjamin A. Kraines
- Beta, David Stuhlmiller
- Delta, Brent Grable
- Epsilon, Evan Wineland
- Zeta, Dusan Bratic
- Theta, Grant Hempel
- Iota, Marcus Hernandez
- Lambda, Todd Schwartz
- Nu, Matthew Kleine
- Rho, Brian Rodowicz
- Sigma, Werner J. Dunham
- Omega , James Kelley
- Alpha Alpha, Joseph Cunningham
- Iota Alpha, Cary Lydic
- Nu Alpha, Christopher Dunlavey
- Xi Alpha, John Esposito
- OmicronAlpha, Thomas Babjak
- Pi Alpha, Rick Longenecker
- Tau Alpha, Daniel Brookman
- Omega Alpha, Douglas Hynes
- Alpha Beta, Brian King
- Zeta Beta, Scott Payne
- Iota Beta, Kyle Bamford
- Gamma Gamma, Ryan Topping
- Alpha Gamma, Harrison Boll
- Indianapolis, Matthew Weber
Alumni Associations & Presidents
- Eta, Michael Kolberg
- Iota, Marcus Hernandez
- Lambda, Todd Schwartz
- Upsilon Alpha, Andrew Keller
- Beta Gamma, Ben Leahy