Chapter Awards
- Robert D. Corrie Grand Consul Award for Chapter of the Year, James Doppee Beta Gamma '23
- Outstanding New Member Award, Andrew Ramseur, Beta Gamma '23
- E. Mayer Maloney Award for Outstanding Faculty Relations
- Outstanding Senior Award, Evan Flatt, Beta Gamma '20
- Donald C. Wolfe Award for Outstanding Chapter Newsletter
- George Kimball Award for Outstanding Community Service
- Gino A. Ratti Award for Outstanding Alumni Relations
- George E. Shaw Award for Public Relations
- Donald C. Wolfe Award for Outstanding Chapter Newsletter
- George Kimball Award for Outstanding Community Service
- John L. Blakely Award for Outstanding Philanthropic Service
- George E. Shaw Award for Public Relations
- E. Mayer Maloney Award for Outstanding Faculty Relations
- Outstanding Senior Award, Phillip Patterson, '19
- Suzanne M. McFarland Red Rose Award, Ms. Veta Blagrove